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Upcoming KDC Meetings Are Posted Here
And Emailed To The Membership List


Meetings open to members will be announced here. KDC membership meetings once a season on the first Wednesday of the month. All meeting times are 7:30pm Pacific Time unless otherwise noted.

Thinking of becoming a member? We warmly invite you to drop by! All Kensington residents and all Democrats are welcome to drop in as guests.

Due to the ongoing effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the most vulnerable members of our community, we will be hosting our meetings on Zoom. Zoom links are emailed to our membership mailing list in advance of each meeting. Members of the public interested in attending are encouraged to contact to receive Zoom access information. Attendees must join with their full name, and may be required to introduce themselves to mitigate Zoom-bombing.

Our next meeting

Coming Up!​


Guess Speaker: Name and Last Name

You can join our meetings even if you are not a member. Email us to request the Zoom Meeting link.

Request Zoom Meeting Link

in Touch

Email us to get the Zoom Meeting Link

2024 Meeting Calendar

Coming Up!​

Board Meeting: Wednesday, July 10th (Agenda)


Board Meeting: Wednesday, August 7th


Membership Meeting: Wednesday, September 4th

Zoom Recordings

Click here to watch past
KDC meetings

Recorded Meetings
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